Sunday, March 16, 2008

Illness, surgeries & food allergies!

Well, we have been stimulating the economy with our dr. co-pays! I had a wicked case of the flu which resulted in an ear infection then went on to a tummy bug. I was sick for more three weeks which was not only hard on me, but my dear family as well! Jackson just had surgery but is healing great!

Jackson courageously smiles right after surgery.

Julia's reaction to pineapple (we think) & No, that's not her tongue but her lower lip!

We went to Whole Foods yesterday and Julia sampled 3 or 4 pieces of fresh pineapple. We think that's why she started to transform into the Nutty Professor. She has severe food allergies to all nuts, milk and eggs so we are usually very careful about everything she puts in her mouth but she has had pineapple before so we're not exactly sure what it was from.

I will be very glad to leave this winter behind us. It has been filled with way too many dr. visits!! I will have more crafty updates soon!


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Katherine said...

OMG...You poor things went through a ton in a short period. My son has massive food allergies. I could not imagine his mouth swelling like that. I see your daughter is allergic to nuts(all), and milk...If you have any recipe ideas that don't include eggs, cinnamon, paprika,(That's all I can think of at the moment)I'd love if you wouldn't mind passing them on :)

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