Friday, September 21, 2007

Artist or Graffiti Artist?

Well, I have been up since 3a with a sick child. Jackson has been throwing up every half-hour since 3a and it is now 10a. Poor guy. So excuse me if I sound a little punchy! My dear husband has also been up since 3a and is willing to work from home since I am throwing a baby shower for a dear friend tomorrow and I have much to do! This blog has been neglected since I started teaching and bible study has now started.
Julia has also been quite the artist lately. Her canvas you ask? Well, our wood banister and furniture mainly. My husband bought about 5 sharpie (permanent) pens to write Jacksons name on his baseballs and such. I do think I have gotten rid of most of them now since they appear in the most unusual places but not before she made her mark. The couch she is pictured on above was the hardest hit. I had a professional carpet cleaner come out since I was sure they could remove the stain but no such luck. Black ink on a camel colored couch is not a good look and we decided we would save the couch for when she moves out and needs furniture :) The ink off the banister did come off with polish remover but it does not come out of fabric.
Well, it's off to do laundry. I can't grow a plant to save my life but I can grow dirty laundry baskets like nobody's business!


Josh Buck said...

check 1,2,3

Josh Buck said...

Sorry about the last post. I couldn't get my last message to post. I heard about you from the noahsteven blog. I lost a little girl a bit over 2 years ago and my husband was injured in a diving accident this past January. Anyway, that's how I heard about your the blankets you make. I would love to make some purchases from you! Would you be willing to e-mail me and let me know how to order? I have a few different things I would like to order if at all possible! Thanks and God bless.
Shelly Buck'
P.S. Hope the stomach flu has cleared up! We were enjoying that bout last week. What a joy!

Josh Buck said...

my e-mail is

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